Municipality of West Elgin
Revised Agenda
Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
160 Main Street
West Lorne

Council Meetings are held in-person at 160 Main Street, West Lorne, and the post-meeting recording available at, when available (pending no technical difficulties).

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby adopts the Regular Council Agenda for June 13, 2024, as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby proceed into a Public Meeting pursuant to the Planning Act.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Robert Brown, Planner regarding severance application File E-44-24 – Comments to Elgin County (Planning Report 2024-15);

    And that West Elgin Council hereby recommends approval to the Land Division Committee for the County of Elgin for Severance application, File E-44-24, subject to the Lower-Tier Municipality conditions in Appendix One of this report;

    And further that West Elgin Council directs administration to provide this report as Municipal Comments to the County of Elgin.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby adjourn the Public Meeting, pursuant to the Planning Act, and reconvene into regular Council.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Robert Brown, Planner related to the required development agreement for the Marsh Line subdivision.

    That West Elgin Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the development agreement and register said agreement on title.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby proceeds into Closed Session at _______ pm, to discuss matters pursuant to the Municipal Act, Section 239 (2)(a) security of the property of the municipality; 239(2)(b) personal matters about identifiable individual(s); And 239(2)(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality; And 239(2)(d) labour relations or employee negotiations.

Clerk to provide Report from Closed.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby adopt the Minutes of May 23, 2023, as presented. 

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby acknowledge receipt of the Minutes of the Rodney Aldborough Agricultural Society, May 7 and 21, 2024; The Old Town Hall Committee, May 7 and 13, 2024; And the Recreation Committee, May 15, 2025, as presented. 


  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Corey Pemberton, CBO   Re: Building Department Summary Report for the month of May 2024.


  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the Monthly Fire report for May 2024, from Jeff McArthur, Fire Chief re: May 2024 Fire Report, for information purposes.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the Monthly Operations Report, May 2024, from Lee Gosnell, Manager of Operations & Community Services for information purposes.


  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Terri Towstiuc, Clerk Re: Old Town Hall Options; And

    That Council approve option:

    Option 1: Remain “Status Quo”, directing the Old Town Hall Committee to continue pursuing avenues to increase funding for the revitalization of the building.

    Option 2: That Council direct the Clerk to proceed with implementing the procedures prescribed in By-law 2019-14 being a By-law to Adopt and Maintain a Policy with Respect to the Sale and Other Disposition of Land Owned by the Municipality of West Elgin, beginning at the next regular meeting of Council.

    Option 3: direct staff to initiate the formal process to create a Board of Management for the Old Town Hall.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from M. Badura, CAO/Treasurer and that West Elgin Council approves updates to the Training and Education Reimbursement Policy.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from M. Badura, CAO/Treasurer and that West Elgin Council approves updates to the Training and Education Reimbursement Policy.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from M. Badura, CAO/Treasurer re: Three Levels of Leadership for information only.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from M. Badura, CAO/Treasurer re: Leadership Training and That; West Elgin council approves the Leadership Training Proposal prepared by Mohawk College Enterprise in the amount of $38,700.00 plus applicable taxes.

  • Arena & Arena Renaming
  • Recreation
  • Rodney Park
  • Heritage Homes
  • Old Town Hall
  • Any others
  • Recommendation:

    Whereas Development for Creeks Edge was charged a fee in excess of Forty-Thousand dollars ($40,000); And

    Whereas neighbouring Municipalities seemingly charge a significant lower fee for similar proposed projects; And 

    Whereas the process used for engineering selection, cost estimation methodology and communication have been unclear;

    Therefor be it resolved that West Elgin Council request staff to report back to Council a Peer Review Charges report, at a further meeting of Council. 


  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2024-28, Being a By-Law to provide for drainage works on the Sherman Drain in the Municipality of West Elgin, be read a third and final time.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2024-45, Being a By-Law to Appoint Persons as Municipal Investigators and Valuers of Livestock and Poultry for the Municipality of West Elgin; And to Appoint Persons as Fenceviewers for the Municipality of West Elgin; And Hereby Repeal By-law 2015-07, be read a first, second and third and final time.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2024-46, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Development Agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of West Elgin and Marsh Line Developments Inc., for the purpose of Creek’s Edge Plan of Subdivision, be read a first, second and third and final time.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2024-47 being a By-law to confirm the proceeding of the Regular Meeting of Council held on June 13, 2024, be read a first, second and third and final time. 

  • Recommendation:

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby adjourn at ________ to meet again at 4:00pm, on Thursday, June 27, 2024 or at the call of the Chair. 

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