Tri-County Water Board of Management


Meeting #:
Electronic Participation Meeting via Zoom
  • Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex
  • Mike Hentz, Dutton Dunwich
  • Amarilis Drouillard, Dutton Dunwich
  • Corey Pemberton, Dutton Dunwich
  • Don McCallum, Southwest Middlesex
  • Mike Sholdice, Southwest Middlesex
  • Darren Galbraith, Chatham-Kent
  • Heather Dougherty, West Elgn
  • Taraesa Tellier, West Elgin
  • Bill Denning, West Elgin
  • Kevin Derbyshire, Newbury
  • Ryan Statham, West Elgin
  • Richard Leatham, West Elgin
Staff Present:
  • Cathy Case, Clerk/Treasurer, Newbury
  • Sam Smith, OCWA
  • Tracey Johnson, CAO/Treasurer, Dutton Dunwich
  • Terri Towstiuc, Recording Secretary/Clerk, West Elgin
  • Sam Sianas, OCWA
  • Magda Badura, CAO/Treasurer
  • Dale Le Britton, OCWA
  • Maegan Garber, OCWA
  • Robin Trepanier, OCWA
Also Present:
  • Amanda Gubbels, CAO, Southwest Middlesex

    Mack Meloche, Treasurer, Southwest Middlesex

Chair Corey Pemberton called the meeting to order at 9:05 am.

  • Moved:Mike Sholdice, Southwest Middlesex
    Seconded:Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex

    That Tri-County Water Board hereby adopts the Agenda for December 17, 2024, as presented.

    Disposition: Carried
  • Moved:Darren Galbraith, Chatham-Kent
    Seconded:Amarilis Drouillard, Dutton Dunwich

    That the Tri-County Water Board hereby adopts the minutes of November 19, 2024, as presented.

    Disposition: Carried

The board discussed insured amounts for the infrastructure and feel that it is not in line with today's dollar. The board asked for a valuation report to be brought back in the new year.

Mr. Mayhew asked about cyber insurance, which is not included on the current policy. This will be brought back for review in the year.

  • Moved:Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex
    Seconded:Amarilis Drouillard, Dutton Dunwich

    That Tri-County Water Board proceed with acceptance of the insurance policy and request staff make inquiry to insurance representatives in regard to proper asset value, question cyber security insurance, and bring back to the board. 

    Disposition: Carried
  • Moved:Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex
    Seconded:Mike Hentz, Dutton Dunwich

    That Tri-County Water Board hereby approve the 2025 Budget and Multi-Year Forecast, as presented.

    Disposition: Carried

Quarterly meetings scheduled for January 28, April 15, July 15 and October 21. Additional budget meeting scheduled for November 18.

  • Moved:Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex
    Seconded:Darren Galbraith, Chatham-Kent

    That Tri-County Water Board hereby acknowledge receipt of the 2025 Meeting Schedule.

    Disposition: Carried

Deferred until January 2025.

Mr. Mayhew advised that Southwest Middlesex hired Watson and Associates to complete a water and wastewate rate study, which has resulted in an increase to water and wastewater rates. Mr. Mayhew is confident that the vast majority of residents will understand the rationale, to provide sustainable water distribution plan and address infrastructure. 

Mr. Mayhew also advised the board that he would like to see Tri-County Water Board become a corporation in 2025, and the benefits far outweighs the disadvantages, and the board would like to see a legal opinion, to pursue this route.

  • Moved:Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex
    Seconded:Amarilis Drouillard, Dutton Dunwich

    That the Tri-County Water Board hereby adjourn at 9:52 pm, to meet again at 7:00pm, on Tuesday, January 28, 2024, or at the Call of the Chair.

    Disposition: Carried