Municipality of West Elgin
Economic Development Committee

Council Chambers
160 Main Street
West Lorne

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Economic Development Committee hereby adopts the Agenda for the meeting of May 1, 2024, as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    That minutes of the Economic Development meeting on March 26, 2024 be adopted as presented.

West Elgin Council approved up to nine (9) members, including two (2) members of Council and seven (7) members of the public. The Terms of Reference indicates elven (11) members, including two (2) members Council and nine (9) members of the public.

The Economic Development Committee must decide how many members are ideal, to be included in the Terms of Reference and approved by West Elgin Council.

The final Terms of Reference will be submitted to Council at the Regular Meeting on April 25, 2024.

  • Recommendation:

    That the Economic Development Committee hereby adopt the Terms of Reference, pending approval from the Municipality of West Elgin Council.

  • Recommendation:

    That the West Elgin Economic Development Committee hereby adjourn at _____ to meet again on _____ or at the call of the Chair.