Municipality of West Elgin
Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
160 Main Street
West Lorne

Council Meetings are held in-person at 160 Main Street, West Lorne, and the post-meeting recording available at, when available (pending no technical difficulties).

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby adopts the Regular Council Agenda for October 10, 2024 as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby adopt the Minutes of September 26, 2024, as presented. 

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Corey Pemberton, CBO Re: Building Department Summary Report for the month of September 2024.


  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the Monthly Fire report for September 2024, from Jeff McArthur, Fire Chief, for information purposes.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the Monthly Operations report, September 2024, from Lee Gosnell, Manager of Operations & Community Services for information purposes.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Robert Brown, Planner for information purposes.

    That Council refuse the request for a change in the status of Dymock Line from a no winter maintenance road to a full year-round road.

    And further that Council direct administration to advise prospective purchasers and/or the affect landowners that the Municipality is not prepared to change the status of Gray Line from no winter maintenance to a full year-round road at this time.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receive the letter dated September 24, 2024, from Stephanie Skelding, RN Health Promoter, West Elgin Community Health Centre Re: Renewal of lease agreement, 259 Ridout Street, Rodney; And

    That Council approve the extension of the agreement for an additional two (2) years, ending December 31, 2026; And

    That Council direct staff to prepare the agreement, to be brought back for approval at a future meeting of Council.

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby acknowledge receipt of the letter dated October 4, 2024 from Steve Ridout, Superintendent, Commander, Municipal Policing Bureau and the OPP Municipal Policing 2025 Annual Billing Statement Package, for information and discussion purposes. 

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby receive the letter dated August 21, 2024 from the Township of Nairn and Hyman Re: Transportation and Deposition of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials; And

    That Council direct staff to provide a letter of support to Hon. Doug Ford, Hon. George Pirie, Hon. Prabmeet Sarkaria, Hon. Andrea Khanjin, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. 

  • Recommendation:

    That West Elgin Council hereby support the letter dated September 25, 2024 from the Tay Valley Township Re: Public Sector Salary Disclosure, And

    That Council direct staff to provide a letter of support to Hon. Doug Ford, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Association of Municipalities of Ontario. 

  • Recommendation:

    That Council hereby support to letter received October 4, 2024 from the Town of Cobourg Re: Involuntary Care for Individuals with Severe Mental Health and Addictions Issues; And

    That Council direct staff to send a letter of support to Hon. Doug Ford, Hons. David Piccini and Association of Municipalities of Ontario. 


  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2024-70, Being a By-Law to adopt a Policy being “Scholarship Award Policy”, be read a first, second third and final time. 

  • Recommendation:

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby proceeds into Closed Session at _______ pm, to discuss matters pursuant to the Municipal Act, Section 239 (2)(d), labour relations or employee negotiations; And Section 239 (2)(b), being personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2024-71 being a By-law to confirm the proceeding of the Regular Meeting of Council held on October 10, 2024, be read a first, second and third and final time. 

  • Recommendation:

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby adjourn at ________ to meet again at 4:00pm, on Thursday, October 24, 2024 or at the call of the Chair.