Municipality of West Elgin


Council Meeting

Council Chambers
160 Main Street
West Lorne
  • Mayor Leatham
  • Deputy Mayor Tellier
  • Councillor Denning
  • Councillor Statham
  • Councillor Dougherty
Staff Present:
  • L. Gosnell, Manager of Operations & Community Services
  • Robert Brown, Planner
  • Magda Badura
  • Terri Towstiuc, Clerk

Council Meetings are held in-person at 160 Main Street, West Lorne, and the post-meeting recording available at, when available (pending no technical difficulties).

Mayor Leatham called the meeting to order at 4:01 pm.

H. Dougherty took her Oath to Council and took her seat at the Council table.

  • Resolution No. 2024-421
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That West Elgin Council hereby adopts the Regular Council Agenda for November 14, 2024 as presented.


Delegations to be heard, in compliance with By-Law 2024-05, Being a By-Law to establish rules of procedure for the meetings of Council, Council Committees and Boards of The Corporation of the Municipality of West Elgin.

Section 6.8. Delegations shall be limited in speaking to not more than ten (10) minutes in total per person, per group or per organization.

Section 12.1. Members of the public who constitute the audience in the Council Chamber, shall respect the decorum of Council, maintain order and quiet and may not:

  1. Address Council without permission.
  2. Interrupt any speaker or action of the Members or any person addressing Council.
  3. Speak out.
  4. Behave in a disorderly manner, or;
  5. Make any noise or sound that proves disruptive to the conduct of the Meeting.

Section 12.2. Placards, signs, posters, etc. or any advertising devices shall not be permitted in the Council Chambers, or any other location in which Council may conduct their business.

Section 12.3. Should turn all electronic communication devices to “vibrate”, “silent” or “mute” during the entire meeting or exit the meeting if they wish to make/receive a telephone call.

Section 12.4. The Mayor (Chair) may request that a member or members of the public vacate the Council Chambers or any other location in which Council may conduct their business if their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive to the business at hand.

Link to Petition:


Adam Lumley, Port Glasgow Trailer Park (PGTP) resident, addressed council regarding his concerns for declaration or surplus lands of PGTP and potential sale. Mr. Lumley advised the impacts of the local economy, history PGTP and the perspective of the resident and potential homelessness situation this decision may create in the spring. Mr. Lumley presented a proposal for the park to become a cooperative and run the park as such. Mr. Lumley also requested the sale be placed on hold, allowing the residents time to create a resident run cooperative. 

Carman Lasson, resident on Furnival Road, Port Glasgow, addressed Council to provide his concerns regarding the decision to declare Port Glasgow Trailer Park (PGTP) surplus lands. Mr. Lasson is a life-long resident of West Elgin and advised his concerns for the current and future generations, if PGTP is sold. Mr. Lasson also concurred with Mr. Lumley, advising that the local economy if PGTP is sold, and no longer available for campers. 

Donna Klapak, Port Glasgow Trailer Park (PGTP) Advisory Committee member and park resident, provided Council with a detailed history of PGTP, detailing the inception and historical events. Ms. Klapak provided Council with questions regarding the budget from the last six (6) years, including funding for washroom, waterline and stair upgrades. 

Mayor Leatham thanked all residents and members of Port Glasgow Trailer Park for attending the meeting, and for the respectable delegations that addressed Council. Mayor Leatham advised that a report from staff will be forthcoming, to address all questions brought forth to Council during the delegation. 

Deputy Mayor Tellier suggested that a "Town Hall" style meeting would be best for a future meeting, to accommodate a large crowd and provide for full transparency. 

Following delegations, a recess was taken from 4:38 - 4:56pm.

Councillor Denning left during the recess, for the remainder of the meeting.

  • Resolution No. 2024-422
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Councillor Dougherty

    That West Elgin Council hereby adopt the Minutes of October 24, 2024 (Regular Meeting) and November 7, 2024 (Special Meeting), as presented. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-423
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Dougherty

    That West Elgin Council acknowledge receipt of the Bo Horvat Community Centre Board minutes of August 21 and September 11, 2024; And the Recreation Committee minutes of September 18, 2024; And the Heritage Homes Annual General Meeting Minutes, October 23, 2023, and Regular Meeting Minutes, September 23, 2024.

  • Resolution No. 2024-424
    Moved:Councillor Dougherty
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Corey Pemberton, CBO Re: Building Department Summary Report for the month of October 2024.

  • Resolution No. 2024-425
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Dougherty

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the Monthly Operations Update, October 2024, from Lee Gosnell, Manager of Operations & Community Services for information purposes.



  • Resolution No. 2024-426
    Moved:Councillor Dougherty
    Seconded:Deputy Mayor Tellier

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Terri Towstiuc, Clerk Re: Recreation Coordinator/Clerks Assistant Proposal; And

    That Council approves the proposal and job description, as presented; And

    That Council direct staff to begin the process, for the addition of a Recreation Coordinator/Clerks Assistant, to be included in the 2025 Budget Deliberations.

  • Resolution No. 2024-427
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Councillor Dougherty

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Terri Towstiuc, Clerk Re: Council Committee Appointment; and

    That Council defer the discussion to the next regular meeting (November 28, 2024)


None Received. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-429
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That West Elgin Council hereby acknowledge receipt of the 2025 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund allocation. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-430
    Moved:Councillor Dougherty
    Seconded:Deputy Mayor Tellier

    That West Elgin Council direct staff to write a letter of support for a Liquor License Extension, for the events indicated by the Elgin International Club.

  • Resolution No. 2024-431
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That West Elgin Council hereby receive the request from J. Dawdy, Re: Scout Hut rental fee for Babysitters Course; And

    That Council hereby approve a fee reduction, to a total rental fee of $27.00, plus applicable tax. 



  • Resolution No. 2024-432
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Councillor Dougherty

    That By-law 2024-75, being a By-Law to Impose a Water Connection Charge Upon Owners of Land Who Derive or Will or May Derive a Benefit from Connecting to The Water Distribution System Water Works, be read a first second and third and final time.

  • Resolution No. 2024-433
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Deputy Mayor Tellier

    That By-law 2024-76, being a By-Law to Amend Schedule “B” to By-Law 2024-42 (Sanitary Sewer Connections), be read a first, second and third and final time. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-434
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby proceeds into Closed Session at 5:16 pm, to discuss matters pursuant to the Municipal Act Section 239 (2)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; And Section 239 (3)(b) an ongoing investigation respecting the municipality, a local board or a municipally controlled corporation by the Ombudsman appointed under the Ombudsman Act.


Reporting from Closed Session at 5:57 pm.

Council received three (3) items pursuant to the Municipal Act, Section 239, and provided staff with administrative direction, including the following recommendations:

  • Resolution No. 2024-435
    Moved:Councillor Dougherty
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That West Elgin Council hereby appoint Amy Sousa, Malcolm Diltz and Philip Sousa, to the Old Town Hall Committee.

  • Resolution No. 2024-436
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Deputy Mayor Tellier

    That West Elgin Council hereby appoint Lori Beckett and Karen Booth to the Recreation Committee. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-437
    Moved:Councillor Dougherty
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That By-law 2024-77 being a By-law to confirm the proceeding of the Regular Meeting of Council held on November 14, 2024, be read a first, second and third and final time. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-438
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby adjourn at 5:58 pm to meet again at 4:00pm, on Thursday, November 28, 2024 or at the call of the Chair. 

No Item Selected