Tri-County Water Board of Management


Meeting #:
Council Chambers
160 Main Street
West Lorne
  • Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex
  • Taraesa Tellier, West Elgin
  • Amarilis Drouillard, Dutton Dunwich
  • Bill Denning, West Elgin
  • Corey Pemberton, Dutton Dunwich
  • Don McCallum, Southwest Middlesex
  • Mike Sholdice, Southwest Middlesex
  • Ryan Statham, West Elgin
  • Darren Galbraith, Chatham-Kent
  • Michelle Navackas, West Elgin
  • Mike Hentz, Dutton Dunwich
  • Kevin Derbyshire, Newbury
Staff Present:
  • Magda Badura, CAO/Treasurer, West Elgin
  • Cathy Case, Clerk/Treasurer, Newbury
  • Robin Trepanier, OCWA
  • Sam Smith, OCWA
  • Terri Towstiuc, Recording Secretary/Clerk, West Elgin
  • Dale Le Britton, OCWA
  • Maegan Garber, OCWA
  • Tracey Johnson, CAO/Treasurer, Dutton Dunwich
Also Present:
  • R. Bouchard, General Manager/CEO, Union Water Supply System Inc.

Recording Secretary T. Towstiuc called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.

  • TCWB09
    Moved:Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex
    Seconded:Bill Denning, West Elgin

    That Tri-County Water Board hereby adopts the Agenda for May 21, 2024, as presented.

    Disposition: Carried
  • TCWB10
    Moved:Don McCallum, Southwest Middlesex
    Seconded:Ryan Statham, West Elgin

    That the Tri-County Water Board hereby adopts the minutes of February 6, 2024, as presented.

    Disposition: Carried

Mr. Rodney Bouchard, General Manager and CEO of the Union Water Supply System Inc. provided a presentation to the Tri-County Water Board, which detailed the restructuring journey to becoming a Municipal Services Corporation, providing independency for the board to operate, borrow, apply for grants and not affect Municipal debt capacity. 

The servicing area for UWSS includes Leamington, Kingsville, Essex and Lakeshore. Board composition is based on % ownership interest and readjusted every 4 years. The board consists of 12 municipal councilors. 

Sent to Tri-County Water Board by email March 18, 2024

  • TCWB11
    Moved:Amarilis Drouillard, Dutton Dunwich
    Seconded:Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex

    That the Tri-County Water board hereby acknowledge receipt of the Annual Water Report, 2023, previously received by email, March 18, 2023.

    Disposition: Carried
  • TCWB12
    Moved:Amarilis Drouillard, Dutton Dunwich
    Seconded:Darren Galbraith, Chatham-Kent

    That the Tri-County Water Board hereby receives the Tri County Drinking Water System Operations Report, First Quarter 2024 dated May 17, 2024, from Sam Smith, Sr. Operations Manager, Ontario Clean Water Agency, Southwest Region

    Disposition: Carried
  • TCWB13
    Moved:Amarilis Drouillard, Dutton Dunwich
    Seconded:Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex

    That Tri-County Water Board hereby acknowledge receipt of the Financials as of April 30, 2024.

    Disposition: Carried

Darren Galbraith, Chatham-Kent, advised that Moravian on the Thames is in need of water, as currently they are down to one well, with no other sources of water on the reserve. Indigenous Affairs is currently seeking funding opportunities, to allow connection to a local water distribution system. The board discussed the potential for Moravian on the Thames to connect to the Tri-County Water System via the Bothwell Water Town. This would require grant funding, and a water modeling study, and would allow water from Chatham-Kent to be sold to Moravian on the Thames. 

Sam Smith, OCWA, advised that the system has capacity, and a review of the agreement would be required to confirm this route can be taken. This item will be brought back, if Moravian on the Thames has appetite to explore further. 

Virtual meeting to Approve the Draft Financial Statements - Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 7:00pm.

Regular Meeting, West Elgin Council Chambers, Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 7:00pm.

  • TCWB14
    Moved:Allan Mayhew, Southwest Middlesex
    Seconded:Bill Denning, West Elgin

    That the Tri-County Water Board hereby adjourn at 8:04 pm, to meet again at 7:00pm, on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, or at the Call of the Chair.

    Disposition: Carried