Municipality of West Elgin


Council Meeting

Council Chambers
160 Main Street
West Lorne
  • Mayor Leatham
  • Deputy Mayor Tellier
  • Councillor Denning
  • Councillor Statham
Staff Present:
  • M. Badura, CAO/ Treasurer
  • L. Gosnell, Manager of Operations & Community Services
  • Terri Towstiuc, Clerk
Also Present:
  • Mark Peacock, Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority

    Valerie Towsley, Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority

    Daryl Abs, Watson and Associates

    Christene Scrimgeour, Scrimgeour and Associates

Council Meetings are held in-person at 160 Main Street, West Lorne, and the post-meeting recording available at, when available (pending no technical difficulties).

Mayor Leatham called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.

  • Resolution No. 2024-376
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Deputy Mayor Tellier

    That West Elgin Council hereby adopts the Regular Council Agenda for September 26, 2024 as presented.

  • Resolution No. 2024-377
    Moved:Councillor Denning
    Seconded:Deputy Mayor Tellier

    That West Elgin Council hereby receive the Preliminary Draft Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority, Watershed Based Resource Management Strategy, for information purposes. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-378
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Deputy Mayor Tellier

    That West Elgin Council hereby receive the Development Charges Background Study dated September 27, 2024; And

    That Council instruct the Clerk to post the report on the municipal website for public review and comment; And

    Further that Council instruct the Clerk to proceed with notification for a Public Meeting, held in accordance with the Development Charges Act, October 24, 2024.

  • Resolution No. 2024-379
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Councillor Denning

    That West Elgin Council hereby adopt the Minutes of September 12, 2024 Regular Meeting and September 23, 2024 Special Meeting, as presented. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-380
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the August 2024 Monthly Operations report from Lee Gosnell, Manager of Operations and Community Services for information purposes.



  • Resolution No. 2024-381
    Moved:Councillor Denning
    Seconded:Deputy Mayor Tellier

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Terri Towstiuc, Re: Byelection versus Direction Appointment for 2024 Council Vacancy; And

    That Council direct the Clerk to proceed with Option One (1), being a Call for Applications and Appointment, to fill the vacancy of Councillor, Ward 3 for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term of Council.

  • Resolution No. 2024-382
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from Terri Towstiuc, Clerk Re Scholarship Award policy; And

    That Council approve the policy in theory and direct the clerk to prepare a Scholarship Policy for the Municipality of West Elgin, to be included in the 2025 budget.


Due to scheduling conflicts, Mrs. Scrimgeour wasn't available at the scheduled time. Council proceeded with regular business until Mrs. Scrimgeour was available. 

Council took a break from 5:10 to 5:16pm, prior to hearing from Mrs. Scrimgeour.

  • Resolution No. 2024-383
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Councillor Denning

    That West Elgin Council hereby approved the 2023 Draft Consolidated Financial Statements, as presented by Christene Scrimgeour, Scrimgeour & Company, CPA Professional Corporation, as presented. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-384
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That West Elgin Council hereby approved the 2023 Trust Account Statements, as presented by Christene Scrimgeour, Scrimgeour & Company, CPA Professional Corporation, as presented. 


None Received. 

Mayor Leatham advised he attended the West Elgin Community Health Centre's Senior's event earlier in the day, and it was very successful, with approximately 75-100 attendees. 

Council Statham advised he attended an event, put on by the West Elgin, Dutton Dunwich and Southwold Economic Devlopment Committees, which was a well-received collaborative event, focusing on Economic Development strategies. 

Councill Statham reminded everyone of the Roots and Revival events, October 4-12, 2024, focusing on West Elgin's farming heritage. Full events details can be found on the Roots and Revival website and social media.

  • Resolution No. 2024-386
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That West Elgin Council hereby acknowledge receipt of the letter dated September 12, 2024 from Warden Ed Ketchabaw, County of Elgin, regarding Elgin County support for the future of the Rodney Library.

  • Resolution No. 2024-387
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Councillor Denning

    That West Elgin Council hereby acknowledge receipt of the letter from the West Lorne Minor Hockey Association Executive; And

    That Council approve the appointment of Jessica Small as the West Lorne Minor Hockey Association representative to the Bo Horvat Community Centre Board of Management.

  • Resolution No. 2024-388
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Deputy Mayor Tellier

    That West Lorne Council hereby acknowledge receipt of the Liquor License notification from Natterjack Brewing Company, for the Roots and Revival Festival, October 4-5 and October 11-12, as information only. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-389
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby proceeds into Closed Session at 5:44 pm, to discuss matters pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; And Section 239 (2)(e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board.


Report from Closed Session at 7:22pm.

Council received five (5) items pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, Section 239(2). Council provided administrative direction to staff, including the following recommendation: 

  • Resolution No. 2024-390
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Councillor Denning

    That West Elgin Council hereby receives the report from M. Badura, CAO/Treasurer re: Sale of Land for information;

    And That, West Elgin council approves the recommendation of selling the property located at 282 Furnival Road, legally described as part of Lot 11, Plan 202, Designated as Parts 4 & 5, 11R2724 for the amount of $14,000.00;

    And That West Elgin council approves the recommendation of selling the property located at 0 Center Street, Legally Described as Part of Lot 11, Plan 202, Designated as Part 2, 11R779, Except Part 1, 11R2105, Parts 3, 4 & 5, 11R2724, Municipality of West Elgin for the amount of $112,000.00.

  • Resolution No. 2024-391
    Moved:Councillor Statham
    Seconded:Deputy Mayor Tellier

    That By-law 2024-69 being a By-law to confirm the proceeding of the Regular Meeting of Council held on September 26, 2024, be read a first, second and third and final time. 

  • Resolution No. 2024-392
    Moved:Deputy Mayor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Statham

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby adjourn at 7:24 pm to meet again at 5:00 pm, on October 10, 2024, or at the call of the Chair. 
