Municipality of West Elgin


West Elgin Community Centre Board of Management

West Elgin Community Complex - Hybrid Meeting
160 Main St
West Lorne
Electronic Hybrid Meeting
  • Ken Loveland
  • Jim Hathaway
  • Terry Weed
  • Bill Denning
  • Ryan Statham
Staff Present:
  • Lee Gosnell, Manager of Operations and Community Services
  • Adam Ecker, Recreation Supervisor
  • Jenn Vanesse

Chair K. Loveland called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.

  • Moved:Bill Denning
    Seconded:Jim Hathaway

    That West Elgin Community Centre Board of Management hereby adopts the Agenda as presented.

  • Moved:Bill Denning
    Seconded:Ryan Statham

    That West Elgin Community Centre Board of Management Committee adopt the minutes of March 13, 2024 as circulated and printed.


No business arising from the minutes

  • Moved:Terry Weed
    Seconded:Ryan Statham

    That West Elgin Community Centre Board of Management hereby adopts the Financials as presented.


The skating club had another successful year. A big thank you to the arena staff for another great season. They will be having their annual awards afternoon on April 13th at the Elgin International Club.

They would like to thank the staff for a smooth season. They will be getting a tentative schedule together for next season within the next month so that staff can start on a schedule for other groups. They have an end of the year awards set for April 14th at the Elgin International Club.

Advertising will be updated and sent out for posting hopefully by the end of the week. The main things are booked, just now working on the details of the event.

The ice is removed and cleaned up in an uneventful manner for the season. The staff was able to successfully remove all but 1 logo intact from the ice. The main center ice logo will hopefully be used for next season. There is a thought to have the new arena logo to be on the ice surface next year. The board wrap is coming off in pieces but it is still cold in there, and they were pretty marked up. 

A concern has come up with the minor hockey banners that there isn't enough room to post them all with the one wall being full of advertising signs. Thoughts were to encourage board wrap and ice logo advertising for next season.

A letter will be going to the seasonal user groups with a timeline on when we would need a tentative schedule in so that other groups can then have availability earlier.

  • Moved:Bill Denning
    Seconded:Jim Hathaway

    That the West Elgin Community Centre Board of Management hereby adjourn at 9:19 a.m. to meet again at the call of the Chair.
