Municipality of West Elgin


Recreation Committee

West Elgin Community Complex - Hybrid Meeting
160 Main St
West Lorne
Electronic Hybrid Meeting
  • Councillor T. Tellier
  • Nicole Campbell
  • Cindy da Costa
  • Michelle Navackas
  • Courtney Kreamer
  • Megan Bartlett
  • Destiny Vickers
Staff Present:
  • Jenn Vanesse

Chair Taraesa Tellier called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

  • Moved:Michelle Navackas
    Seconded:Cindy da Costa

    That West Elgin Recreation Committee hereby adopts the agenda as circulated.

  • Moved:Michelle Navackas
    Seconded:Courtney Kreamer

    That the West Elgin Recreation Committee adopts the minutes of September 20, 2023 as printed and circulated. 


Pickleball has asked for more courts, but shuffleboard is as well. We will be meeting with both groups to ensure there is an agreeance with the lines and come up with some ideas.

The Rec center is fully booked every night of the night now with Cornhole on Friday nights. The youth drop in will run 3 nights in November, and then hoping Jan/Feb/Mar to start with high school student volunteers. Thursday was picked for the day that most kids play hockey, so a chance for the others who don't to have something to do.

Grant has to be submitted by November 21st 2023, so need some ideas and approximate costs on the activities to be able to submit. The theme this year is "Weaving together the fabric of a nation". Looking to incorporate the theme into the festivities. Ideas of having the kids craft be some kind of yarn or fabric craft and see if maybe the yarn store or heather might be interested in helping with an idea. Also something similar to art in the park like Erieau has just no vendors. Asked to come back with some ideas to Jenn for the grant.

Michelle expressed her interest in judging. Theme would be Christmas in Hockeyville and have it open before the parade on November 25th and run for 2 weeks. Rodney is to be included as well. We want businesses to be able to compete this year. Michelle will reach out to businesses for this idea.

The municipality has put together a fund for a multi-use pad. There has been money set aside for 2022,2023,2024 and then build in 2025 is the expected timeline. The equipment is showing its age, and there are some aspects that would have to be removed to keep it there and functional, so the decision was to decommission and remove it. There will be communication out to residents that it will be leaving. Look into a grant if needing extra funds if we run short for budget. The original thought was the tennis court area was going to become the multiuse pad, so now wondering what the plan was going to be with the tennis courts.

The initial idea was something similar to what is in West Lorne with a splash pad, accessible playground, tennis court, volleyball courts, and gazebo. Some ideas we had were a walking track, washrooms, skate park, basketball courts, portable soccer nets, fitness park, outdoor rink (ball and ice hokey, but going to look at liability as we had tried before)



We should get some ideas together to bring forward for budget talks in Dec/Jan. Looking to present to council what we think we need instead of just being told what we get. Will check what the 2023 budget was. Also an idea of how to promote our recreation programs as well as some at others such as schools, businesses, etc... like Elgin had given out.

  • Moved:Michelle Navackas
    Seconded:Courtney Kreamer

    That West Elgin Recreation Committee receive and file all correspondence not otherwise dealt with.

  • Moved:Courtney Kreamer
    Seconded:Michelle Navackas

    That West Elgin Recreation Committee hereby adjourn at 7:46 p.m. to meet again on November 15, 2023 at 7pm.

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