Municipality of West Elgin


Recreation Committee

West Elgin Community Complex - Hybrid Meeting
160 Main St
West Lorne
Electronic Hybrid Meeting
  • Councillor T. Tellier
  • Cindy da Costa
  • Michelle Navackas
  • Nicole Campbell
  • Megan Bartlett
  • Courtney Kreamer
Staff Present:
  • Jenn Vanesse

Chair Taraesa Tellier called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.

  • Moved:Michelle Navackas
    Seconded:Cindy da Costa

    That West Elgin Recreation Committee hereby adopts the agenda as circulated.

  • Moved:Michelle Navackas
    Seconded:Cindy da Costa

    That the West Elgin Recreation Committee adopts the minutes of January 17th, 2024 as printed and circulated. 


Look at changing the by law to include more members and start advertising for additional members. Meetings are always the third Wednesday of the month, so the calendar will be checked to ensure this is correct.

Some of the rec center programming will start winding down as nicer weather approaches. This is due to the lack of attendance during the summer months.

The games this year we would like to have involvement in such as soccer, cornhole, capture the flag, etc... We would like 2 inflatables (1 for younger ages and 1 for older ages). Get as many food trucks lined up as possible and see if we can get an ice cream truck as well. Jenn will formulate a proposed budget of the costs for each item of the events and email out to the group. Michelle will look into musicians for entertainment. Fireworks will be sourced again and Jenn will reach out to them. The craft for this year was proposed as a large scale mural done outside on brown paper with paints and finger-painting for the younger children. The legion color guard will need to be contacted to attend. Taraesa will find someone for O'Canada. Michelle will reach out to Fitborough, dance, and Zumba to see about doing something interactive in group sessions. Looking into Little rays or something along that line for entertainment. Source out face painters, even could be a student, Jenn will look into the options.

This committee has formed to find ways to work together and share information with no overlap of activities. They are reaching out to those offering youth programs. They are encouraging businesses surrounding to encourage the use of the facilities. Hope is that the YMCA to move into WEESS to have an indoor pool. Looking into joint equipment and shared staff members. This will form partnerships between municipalities. They also have someone from the economic development committee joining in on the meeting on April 18th at 2pm.

Going to be called Roots & Revival. applying for a $130,000 grant. It is going to be a 10 day festival that starts the Saturday with a farmers market and closes the next Saturday with a festival. during the week there will be farm tours and looking to activate empty businesses. Looking to paint a large mural on Southside restaurant side wall. The money needs used by December of 2024. The intent is to have this as a yearly event near blueberry season. It is to encourage tourism from Windsor to Toronto to come to our community. Women in business networking group, municipality and recreation committee are supporting this festival. There is a plan for a barn dance, but may be in the future years. They should know a decision by the end of April on whether they have the grant or not.

Looking for someone to do center programming. It could be someone just out of school, or a co-op and ease into a full time position if available. Taraesa will be posting hiking spots on her Facebook page this year. With the rec center not used much during the summer, looking to increase use if we can. Also having a bigger pool of people for the committee and having help lined up for events such as Canada Day. looking to have around 9-11 people on the committee.

  • Moved:Cindy da Costa
    Seconded:Michelle Navackas

    That West Elgin Recreation Committee hereby adjourn at 7:49 p.m. to meet again on May 15, 2024 at 7pm.

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