Municipality of West Elgin


Council Meeting

West Elgin Community Complex - Hybrid Meeting
160 Main St
West Lorne
Electronic Hybrid Meeting
  • Deputy Mayor R. Leatham
  • Councillor T. Tellier
  • Councillor Navackas
  • Councillor Denning
  • Magda Badura
Staff Present:
  • M. Badura, CAO/ Treasurer
  • L. Gosnell, Manager of Operations & Community Services
  • Jeff McArthur, Fire Chief
  • Robert Brown, Planner
  • Corey Pemberton, CBO
  • Deborah Daub, Deputy Treasurer
  • Heather Bouw, Clerk

This Meeting was held in Hybrid format and the recording available at (pending no technical difficulties)

Deputy Mayor Leatham called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.

The Clerk noted one addition to the Agenda.  The additional item will be discussed in the Closed Session as Item #2 - Personal Matters about an Identifiable Individual - Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act.  The Clerk also reminded everyone that the recording of this meeting will stop after the resolution of Council entering into the Closed Session has been read.  The Council Chamber doors will be closed during the Closed Session, and will be re-opened for anyone wishing to attend in person for Council's rise and report resolution, the confirming by-law resolution and the adjournment.

  • Moved:Councillor Navackas
    Seconded:Councillor Denning

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby adopts the Agenda as presented.


Jennifer Kirkham is leading Council through the steps of developing West Elgin's 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. Council's initial discussion with Ms. Kirkham included sharing comments heard during their election campaigns, impacts Councillors want to have in their term of Council, as well as their thoughts on our strategic focus for the next 4 years.  Next steps include:

1. Community Online Survey (June 2023);

2. Online focus group (Summer 2023);

3. Working sessions with Council to develop the Strategic Plan (Sept-Oct 2023)

Jacob Hanlon representing Foodcycle Science provided Council with a presentation on the FoodCycler.  Food waste is added to the FoodCycler and the by-product is a dry, sterile, odourless and nutrient-rich biomass that can be added to garden soil, used by community gardens, added to backyard composters as well as other applications.  The FoodCycler provides a means for all household to directly participate in organic diversion.  Mr. Hanlon outlined a 12 week pilot program should Council wish to participate.  No decision to participate was made by Council at this time.

  • Moved:Councillor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Navackas

    That the Minutes of the April 27, 2023 West Elgin Council meeting be adopted as circulated and printed.

  • Moved:Councillor Denning
    Seconded:Councillor Navackas

    That the Consent Agenda for May 11, 2023 be received and filed.


Councillor Tellier requested that a letter be sent to Ann Smith explaining Council's determination of the committee composition.

  • Moved:Councillor Denning
    Seconded:Councillor Tellier

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin receives and decides to proceed with the Lamont Drain improvement request under Section 78 of the Drainage Act received from the Municipality of West Elgin Public Works Department, and instructs the Clerk to notify LTVCA as required under S.78(2) of the Drainage Act for drainage improvements; and

    That the requesting landowner be notified of Council's decision to proceed; and

    That an engineer be appointed under the appropriate section of the Drainage Act after the 30-day time period from the notice of Council's decision was sent to the LTVCA and OMAFRA has passed.

  • Moved:Councillor Navackas
    Seconded:Councillor Denning

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby receives the report from Robert Brown, Planner regarding Severance Application File E24-23 - Comments to Elgin County (Planning Report 2023-019); and

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby recommends approval to the Land Division Committee of the County of Elgin for Severance Application File E24-23, subject to the Lower-Tier Municipality conditions in Appendix Two (2) of this report; and

    Further That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin directs administration to provide this report as municipal comments to the County of Elgin.

  • Moved:Councillor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Navackas

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby receives the report from M. Badura, CAO/Treasurer, 2023 Old Town Hall Insurance Premiums for information; and

    That Council approves amending insurance coverage for the Old Town Hall by approving Option #1 to an Actual Cash Value basis of settlement of $1,205,800, subject to a minimum $10,000 deductible (limit estimated by the risk management services), which will increase the annual premium by an additional $11,530.00. 


Councillor Navackas reported on the May 9, 2023 meeting of Four CountiesTransportation Services noting that a new part-time driver, Albert Schmitchen, has been hired and that the delivery date for the transit vehicle has been delayed until July.

  • Moved:Councillor Navackas
    Seconded:Councillor Tellier

    That the Deputy Mayor and Treasurer of the Municipality of West Elgin are hereby authorized to sign Payment Voucher #5 amounting to $421,594.54 in settlement of General, Road, Water and Arena Accounts including EFT #6591-77; online Payments #1159-1164; Cheque #26169-26180 and Payroll PP09.

  • Moved:Councillor Denning
    Seconded:Councillor Tellier

    That staff investigate the feasibility of potentially selling or donating the municipally owned former rail corridor between Blacks Road and Furnival Road to LTVCA.

  • Moved:Councillor Navackas
    Seconded:Councillor Denning

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin Council hereby proceeds into a session of the meeting that shall be closed to the public at 10:44 a.m. in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 for discussion of the following matters:


    1.  Security of Municipal Property - Section 239(2)(a) of the Municipal Act.

    2. Personal Matters about an Identifiable Individual - Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act. 

  • Moved:Councillor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Navackas

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby comes out of the Closed Session at 12:12 p.m. and the regular meeting re-convenes.

  • Moved:Councillor Tellier
    Seconded:Councillor Denning

    That By-law 2023-36 being a By-law to confirm the proceeding of the Regular Meeting of Council of the Municipality of West Elgin held on May 11, 2023, be read a first, second and third and final time. 

  • Moved:Councillor Navackas
    Seconded:Councillor Tellier

    That the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin hereby adjourn at 12:13 p.m. to meet again at 9:30 a.m. on May 25, 2023 or at the call of the Chair. 
